We provide turn-key solutions with proven results for Fee for Service and Value Based medical organizations, healthcare systems and medical practices.

Fee For Service Solutions
Golden Care offers a variety of proactive preventive solutions with no out-of-pocket expenses that reduce the burdens and workload for your organization, while improving the clinical and financial benefits for those organizations providing Annual Wellness Visits, Remote Patient Monitoring, Chronic Care Management, and other traditional fee-for-service programs.
LEARN MORE: Fee For Service Solutions
Value Based Services
Golden Care provides full service solutions proven to improve patient engagement, documentation, coding, performance goals, quality metrics and patient outcomes while reducing overall care expenses for the value-based managed care organizations financially responsible for their patients, employees or insured members.
LEARN MORE: Value Based Services
The Golden Care Solutions Advantage
Golden Care Solutions is a Nationwide Medical Practice which provides custom solutions proven to increase revenue, patient outcomes and quality of care, while reducing burdens and expenses for the organizations we work with.
A Custom Solution for Your Clinical Objectives
One size does not fit all. Utilizing technology assisted care to find revenue opportunities and quality of care opportunities for your patients, Golden Care creates a custom solution for your practice based on your clinical objectives, your revenue objectives, your business goals.​
Golden Care Increases Your Revenue!
We increase your ancillary revenue without adding to your workload
We help manage your patients between office visits, resulting in better overall patient care.
We facilitate engagement and adherence to treatment plans and medication regimens,
We help reduce crisis care episodes
We help provide a higher quality of life for your patients.
Benefits to Your Organization
We mitigate patient referral leakage.
We solidify patient retention.
We offset practice workload.
This allows you to prepare for your patient's real issues in advance of their visit, as well as frees up time for you and your nursing staff to see additional patients.
Benefits For Your Patients
Your patient is seen in a timely, appropriate and effective manner.
This allows us to provide you with a complete picture of your patient’s condition.
This also helps keep your patient from unnecessary ER and Hospital visits.

Want To Learn More?

Main Phone (800) 952-9960
FAX (612) 464-7870
Associations Affiliations and Services

Medical Group Management Association (MGMA)

US Department of Veteran Affairs


American Medical Association (AMA)

Anthem Blue Cross
Blue Shield




The American Society for Health Care Risk Management (ARHRM)

United Healthcare
